Took me ages to decide where to go today. Eventually plumped for Malham. If I’d left it much longer it would have been
too late to go anywhere. As expected the
place was heaving. It seemed ages since
I’d been here. As I couldn’t remember this
entire route I took my trusty walking book. Headed off to Janet’s Foss
first. All the spring flowers were
starting to come out it was lovely.
Following the tracks eventually I came out on to the main road, shall I
go to Goredale Scar or miss it out.
As I walked across the top I thought about all the steps to
get back down. However, when I got there and set off down they weren’t too
bad. I think it must have been because
it wasn’t windy today; it seemed a lot easier anyway.
At the bottom there were the RSPB stand with lots of strong
telescopes. The lady asked if I wanted
to see the Peregrines nesting in the Cove. Did I !!! I certainly did. One of the RSPB guy’s checked and re-trained
one of the telescopes and pointed me in the right direction. There high up on a ledge near the top of the
Cove was a beautiful Peregrine. She was stood on the edge looking around all
relaxed, preening and cleaning her feathers casually looking around. She was stunning. It made my day.
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